Dr. Jennifer Powell-Lunder is a seasoned speaker and consultant on tweens, teens, & adults. She has presented on a range of topics including but not limited to:Parenting in the Digital AgeTopics related to Parenting Tweens,Teens, & Young Adu…

Dr. Jennifer Powell-Lunder is a seasoned speaker and consultant on tweens, teens, & adults.

She has presented on a range of topics including but not limited to:

Parenting in the Digital Age

Topics related to Parenting Tweens,Teens, & Young Adults 

Substance Abuse Prevention, Intervention, & Treatment


Body Image

Chronic Illness

Stress Management

Anger Management

Time Management


College Concerns (applying, transitioning, & related issues)


Military Families


All speaking requests, media inquiries, and consultation requests should be sent to DocJPL1@gmail.com. You can contact Dr. JPL directly via phone or text  at

(914) 806-0288.



